When will I receive my booking confirmation?
Your booking confirmation will be available immediately via our My Booking system where you can print or email your confirmation. Please read and check these carefully and notify us immediately if there are any errors. Your final travel documents will be made available via our My Booking system 14 days prior to your departure.
How do I access My Booking?
To login to the My Booking system, you require the following information:
1. Your booking reference (this has been sent to you by email).
2. The lead passenger surname.
3. Your departure date.
We will send you a one-time access code and hyperlink to access your booking. Once you have accessed your booking you have the option to view or print your relevant documents. Visit our security and protection page for more details on two factor authentication and how to protect yourself from fraud.
Why am I having issues accessing my booking?
Below is a list of helpful tips for accessing your booking:
1. Ensure there are no spaces before or after your booking reference, this should be a maximum of 9 characters.
2. Always type the lead passenger surname, your browser may try to auto populate this field for you.
3. Please ensure that the date field is typed in the correct format: DD/MM/YYYYY, for example 01/01/2023.
4. The one-time numeric code and hyperlink sent to your email address as part of the two factor authentication process are valid for 10 minutes. Depending on your email provider, there may be a delay in receiving this email and we also advise that you check your junk/spam folder. You can request for the code to be sent again if you have not received it.
5. If you are still experiencing issues please contact us for further assistance.
Why can I not view my documents?
Please ensure that your browser is not blocking pop ups, this can be managed by accessing your browser settings and searching for pop-ups or by selecting the red cross (if shown) on the top right hand side of the screen. You then need to select the option [always allow pop-ups and redirects from https://www.broadwaytravel.com] and select done.
What documents should I take with me?
We advise that you take your ATOL certificate, hotel voucher/s, flight tickets, boarding passes and any additional extras with you. These documents (final travel documents) will be available 14 days prior to departure.
Why are my final travel documents not available?
Your final travel documents will be made available 10 days prior to your departure however, if you cannot email or view them at least 5 days prior to departure then please contact us to request them to be sent via email
Can I get my final travel documents by post?
You can choose between two options:
Silver package (£7.50 per booking): Your final travel documents will be posted second class 14 days prior to departure. This will include all documentation required to travel excluding boarding passes.
Gold package (£12.50 per booking): Your final travel documents including boarding cards (where applicable and accessible) will be posted first class 14 days prior to departure.
Please note that we are unable to post your documents if you are departing within the next 14 days.
To purchase this service, please contact our Customer Support Team on 0191 228 4884 or on our contact us page on our website.
Why does the hotel voucher only show my name and not the other passengers?
The hotel only requires the lead passenger name for each room to make the reservation. Your hotel voucher will show the number of confirmed passengers, your arrival date and all other essential details. All the other passenger names should be detailed on your booking confirmation and need to be checked for accuracy.